On kitchen as a way to free world
In the fresh, 36th issue of Route No. 1, Den continues to explore the Ukrainian space, this time cuisine
The title of our fresh glossy supplement Being a guest – INTERNATIONAL! immediately sets mood for a special travel. Apparently, the way will go not only along the paths of Ukrainian cuisine, which is, incidentally, not explored and interpreted to the full, but also the paths of the world cooking traditions. A kind of a Route of tastes and discoveries.
This is another very interesting dimension of the Ukrainian space. It has room not only for our authentic cuisine, but for cooking traditions of other countries and nations. This is an interesting “orchestra,” where every single voice is heard, but at the same time these voices together create an absolutely new and wonderful music of taste.
“Every national cuisine has a culture code encoded in it. Our country should be presented anew in many things. And not only the high intellectual standards are helping in these processes, but also many things that are best perceived by people,” writes in her introductory column to Route No. 1 Den’s Editor-in-Chief Larysa Ivshyna. “In cataclysms of the 20th century we have lost the details. The tables were not set anymore; the variety of kitchenware has been replaced by one fork and one spoon. After this abyss we need to come back to the great reconstruction. An important place will be taken by the reconstruction of the kitchen. These must be not just dining locations, but culture establishments. Our idea in Den is a modernization of the national character. We need to look very carefully not only through the product menu, but the intellectual one too. There is a wonderful French phrase, which says that in a country where there are more than 2,000 kinds of cheese there cannot be a one-party system. Cuisine is connected with all spheres of our life, even the state system. So, the way to free world lies, in particular, through the culture cuisine.”
Therefore, in Route No. 1 the creative team of Den has prepared many interesting things for you. For example, an interview with food expert Valerii Poliakov, who tells about culinary stereotypes of Ukrainians, gastronomic trends and prospects of our cuisine abroad. As well as the interview with an organizer of a street food festival in Ukraine Roman Tuhashev. Traditional infographics will tell about the Ukrainian cuisine on the crossroads of culture.
On the pages of the glossy supplement you will also find a report from the bakery by Denys Komarenko and find out the mystery of bread baking. You will also discover all the tastes of European, Caucasian, and Asian cuisines. You will learn the recipes of cooking masterpieces from favorite film heroes. For example, onion soup from Bridget Jones or chocolate-almond cake from Julia Child.
And this if far from everything you will find in the new issue of Route No. 1.
Starting from October 2 ask for the 36th Route No. 1, Being a guest – INTERNATIONAL! at the news stalls or order it on Den’s website.
Everyone willing, in particular, representatives of business structures, may join the circle of our partners and present themselves and their projects in the following issues of Route No. 1.
Newspaper output №:
№56, (2015)Section