This week in history
November 1, 1939. The Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR passed a law On Including Western Ukraine into the USSR and its Reunification with Ukrainian SSR.
1991. Verkhovna Rada ratified its Declaration of the Rights of Nationalities.
November 2, 1941. The Radianska Ukrayina [Soviet Ukraine] radio station began work in Moscow.
1973. The first stage of the 3600 fine-sheet rolling mill was put into operation at the Azovstal metallurgic plant.
November 3, 1918. The Bukovyna People’s Council proclaimed the reunification of Northern Bukovyna with Ukraine.
1943. The Kyiv offensive of the First Ukrainian Front began, in course of which Kyiv was taken from the Germans and a strategic military outpost created near it on the Dnipro Right Bank.
November 4, 1959. The Storming of Sapun Mountain diorama opened in Sevastopol.
1990. Ukraine for the first time observed its Day of Memory for 1932-1933 Holodomor Victims.
November 5, 1920. A convention was signed in Warsaw between representatives of the UNR government and the Russian Political Committee on joint military operations against the Bolsheviks.
1953. The first all-welded bridge designed by Borys Paton was put into operation in Kyiv.
November 6, 1943. In the course of the Kyiv operation First Ukrainian Front troops took Kyiv from the Nazis.
1960. The Kyiv subway opened.
November 7, 1917. The Central Rada’s Third Universal was approved by the Small Rada in Kyiv, proclaiming Ukrainian People’s Republic as a part of the Russian Federation.
1951. The first television center in Ukraine began to work in Kyiv.
Випуск газети №:
№34, (2005)Рубрика
Day After Day