This day in history
1861: Ukraine’s first Sunday school opens in Sumy.
1934: Kharkiv hosts an international theoretical physics conference, attended by such prominent scientists as Niels Bohr, Evan Williams, and Milton Plesset, and their celebrated Soviet counterparts Lev Landau, Igor Tramm, Yakov Frenkel, etc.
1942: The Soviet Crimean Front is disbanded, with its manpower and materiel being placed under the command of the North Caucasus Front.
1945: The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, the Radnarkom of the Ukrainian SSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine adopt a statement addressing the participants in the “Ukrainian bourgeois nationalist gangs,” urging them to give themselves up to Soviet authorities. Meanwhile the NKVD units tasked with combating the UPA [Ukrainian Insurgent Army] step up combat operations, setting up annihilative battalions and forming fake UPA units.
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№27, (2011)Section
Day After Day