This day in history
1651: Cossacks rise up in arms in Bila Tserkva against the truce agreement with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
1899: The National Democratic Party is formed in western Ukraine.
1914: A total of 2,500 Sich Riflemen in the ranks of the Ukrainian Volunteer Legion, part of the Austro-Hungarian Army, swear allegiance to a free Ukrainian nation state.
1918: The All-Union Central Executive Committee adopts a decree instituting the Order of the Red Banner as the first prestigious Soviet military decoration.
1930: The Polish government launches the so-called pacification project aimed at suppressing the rebellious ethnic Ukrainian movement in Galicia (Halychyna), in retaliation for OUN sabotage operations against the Polish settlers.
1940: President F.D. Roosevelt signs the Selective Training and Service Act, whereby men aged between 21 and 35 years are eligible.
Выпуск газеты №:
№48, (2010)Section
Day After Day