Art dialogues with Andre Jolivet

The Embassy of France and the French Cultural Center recently launched Flowers of Romance, an exhibit of Andr? Jolivet’s paintings, at the National Art Museum of Ukraine. The exhibit will remain open until November 1. Just a day after the gallery opening, the organizers launched a unique project, The Book of an Artist by Jolivet, which is based on Kostomarov in Saratov, a collection of Vasyl Stus’ poems. The artist has been organizing his solo exhibits in France since 1990. The artist uses acryl colors and India ink to paint his pictures. Jolivet says he once came across a translation of Vasyl Stus’ poems and they really struck him. In addition to the book itself, the exhibition displayes eight portraits of Stus executed in different colors. As the poet’s son Dmytro Stus confessed to The Day, he was astonished by the way the artist managed to catch and convey his father’s true real-life looks.