This week in history
1970: Ukraine’s largest tube-rolling mill goes into operation at the Nykopil Southern Steel Works.
1993: Kharkiv hosts Ukraine’s First International Drama Festival, Berezil-93.
April 1 1922: Artem Communist University is founded in Kharkiv.
1992: The Center for Fundamental Research is established in Kyiv.
April 2 1924: The Donbas Relief Committee is founded in Ukraine.
1991: The Ukrainian SSR and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan sign a friendship and cooperation agreement in Bishkek.
April 3 1919: The Council of People’s Commissars (Radnarkom) of the Ukrainian SSR adopts a decree proclaiming the former estates of Baron Eduard von Falz-Fein, known as Askania Nova and Yelizavetfeld, a national park.
1990: Ukraine’s national blue-and-yellow flag is officially raised over Lviv’s City Hall for the first time.
April 4 1936: The Research Institute of Experimental Ophthalmology is founded in Odesa.
1996: The Crimean parliament passes the law “On the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea.”
April 5 1992: President Leonid Kravchuk of Ukraine signs an edict declaring that the Black Sea Fleet belongs to Ukraine.
1995: Kyiv’s Certificate Auctions Center holds the first auction to sell certificates.
April 6 1654: Ukrainian envoys receive the Muscovite Tsar Aleksei Mikhailovich’s formal confirmation of the terms and conditions on which the Zaporozhian Host agreed to the protectorate: the preservation of the political-legal system, social structure, and the Zaporozhian Army.
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№10, (2009)Section
Day After Day