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This week in history

13 января, 00:00

January 13. 1880. The first issue of the Dilo [The Deed] Ukrainian newspaper was published in Lviv.

1942. The compulsory removal of Ostarbeiters in Ukraine from the occupied territories to Germany began, with over two million people being removed in 1942-1944.

January 14. 1864. The tsarist government approved a regulation, On Zemstvo Councils in the Russian Empire. The Zemstvo reform began in the Left Bank and southern provinces of Ukraine.

1994. The presidents of Ukraine, Russia, and the US signed a trilateral statement and agreement On Liquidating Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine’s territory in Moscow.

January 15. 1935. The first political show trial began on the former VKP(b) leaders Grigory Zinovyev and Lev Kameniev, charged with counterrevolutionary activities.

1992. The Presidium of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the State Anthem (music arranged by Mykhailo Verbytsky).

January 16. 1919. Facing invasion, the Direktoriya of the UNR declared war on Bolshevik Russia.

1991. Pope John Paul II founded the Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic church hierarchies in Ukraine.

January 17. 1919. The Central Revolutionary Military Committee of the Donbas was created.

1921. The Ukrainian Free University was opened in Vienna, which was transferred to Prague in the fall of tthat year.

January 18. 1919. The (Soviet) Provisional Workers and Peasants Government of Ukraine approved a decree On Separating the Church and State.

1944. The first serious military encounter took place between the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and NKVD troops in Volyn.

January 19. 1906. The Shershen [Hornet] magazine started publication in Kyiv, the first revolutionary satirical magazine in the history of Ukrainian journalism.

1992. On the initiative of the Ukrainian Workers’ Party and Rukh Movement reserve officers, who were citizens of Ukraine, took their loyalty oath in Kyiv.

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