This week in history
October 3: 1078. Princes Iziaslav and Vsevolod, the sons of Yaroslav, engaged Oleh Sviatoslavych in a battle near Chernihiv.
1917. Chyhyryn hosted an All-Ukrainian Cossack Congress which endorsed the statute and elected the General Council with General Pavlo Skoropadsky at its head.
October 4: 1890. The Ruthenian-Ukrainian Radical Party, the first Ukrainian political party, was formed in Lviv.
1989. A theological seminary of the Russian Orthodox Church was opened in Kyiv Pechersk Lavra.
October 5: 1594. The Cossacks, led by Severyn Nalyvaiko, began an uprising.
1993. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine registered the Communist Party of Ukraine.
October 6: 1648. Bohdan Khmelnytsky’s Cossack army laid siege to the city of Lviv. 1918. Kyiv State Ukrainian University was solemnly inaugurated.
October 7: 1619. Cossack senior officers and Polish commissars concluded a treaty which limited the Cossack registered corps strength to 3,000 and banned expeditions against the Ottoman Empire.
1990. The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Ukraine was founded.
October 8: 1944. Ukraine was finally liberated from the Nazi Germans.
1991. Verkhovna Rada passed the law on Ukrainian citizenship.
October 9: 1596. The Brest church congress officially proclaimed union with Rome.
1991. The Union of Youth Organizations of Ukraine was registered.
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