Eichel Likes Ukraine’s Stand

German Minister of Finance Hans Eichel (photo), opened the Ukrainian stand at the EXPO-2000 international exhibition in Hanover together with Premier Viktor Yushchenko. According to the German minister, the Ukrainian stand (Ukraine failed to set up a pavilion of its own) vividly demonstrates Ukraine’s high intellectual and scientific potential of Ukraine. And the problems Ukraine is now beset with are not unique, thinks Mr. Eichel. On the contrary, they are typical of all the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Thus, the German finance minister noted, his country will continue to help Ukraine carry out reforms. Meanwhile, it is known that Messrs. Yushchenko and Eichel have come to agreement on possible resumption of HERMES cooperation before the end of this year.
Interfax-Ukraine reports that over 300,000 people have visited the EXPO-2000 Ukrainian exposition since it was opened. Visitors took the most interest in the sections on the aerospace industry, science and technology, and energy.
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