Ukraine-Iraq: New Vision of Cooperation
Serhiy Peresunko, Valentyn Novikov, and Oleksandr Tkachuk, leaders of the Social Democratic Union (SDS), held a press conference on March 16 devoted to Ukrainian-Iraqi relations. Messrs. Peresunko and Novikov visited Iraq on March 3-9 this year by invitation of the Baath Party leadership.
According to Mr. Peresunko, the Baath leadership invited a SDS delegation because the Iraqis saw in this party a force capable of initiating the development of normal relations between Ukraine and Iraq. In addition, the Iraqis intended to show the Ukrainian delegation the negative consequences of the embargo, so that the guests could tell about it in this country. During the meeting between Mr. Peresunko and the Iraqi Deputy Premier Tariq Aziz, the latter noted Iraq’s wish to intensify the relationship between Ukraine and Iraq in the commercial and economic sphere. With due account of Ukraine being a non- permanent UN Security Council member, the Iraqi side noted that Iraq hopes for moral and political assistance from Ukraine which it can render even now. In his opinion, the establishment of a full-fledged Ukrainian diplomatic representation in Iraq could be a step in this direction. The Iraqi leader said Ukraine should take a full-scale part in the implementation of phase eight of the UN Oil for Food and Medicines program.
The SDS leaders think this cooperation would be mutually advantageous for both Ukraine and Iraq. They said they had prepared a report on the trip and would do their best to improve relations between the two countries. They also pointed out this cooperation can have especially good prospects after UN sanctions against Iraq are lifted. This will especially benefit to state-run and private businesses that have already won strong market positions in Iraq.