Foreign Ministry Continues to Form Ukraine’s European Alibi

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Borys Tarasiuk continues to storm the European Union in an attempt to secure a more favorable attitude toward Ukraine.
Completing last Tuesday his two-day visit to Brussels, Mr. Tarasiuk told The Day: “Today our approach to European affairs has become more pragmatic due to the realities, which mean that our negotiating parties fall somewhat short of agreeing that Ukraine be granted the status of EU candidate membership.”
During his visit to the Belgian capital, the chief Ukrainian diplomat met chairman of the EU Council of Ministers Jaime Gama, EU High Representative for the Common Security and Foreign Policy Javier Solana, and EU Foreign Policy Commissioner Christopher Patten. The two sides discussed and coordinated a working plan of EU strategy toward Ukraine. Mr. Tarasiuk noted in an interview with The Day that this document is quite constructive, effective, practical, and pragmatic. It clearly lays down the steps of cooperation in the democratization of Ukrainian institutions, carrying out economic reforms in Ukraine, in the field of security and defense in Europe, as well as in the trade, cultural, and scientific spheres. The next important stage in the relations between Ukraine and the EU, the minister pointed out, will be negotiations on the Ukrainian export of textiles, metals, ferrous alloys, and farm produce to the EU market. There were 19 unresolved trade issues between the EU and Ukraine, but now most of these have been solved. Chairman of the EU Council of Ministers Gama promised he would visit Ukraine in the first half of this year by invitation of Mr. Tarasiuk. He also said that, in connection with creation of a European security and defense system independent of NATO, Ukraine is being invited to cooperate with the EU precisely in this sphere.