KOZAK SYSTEM will join Sting on stage
The band’s song “Shablia!” has been issued on CD by Songlines Magazine as supplement to its print issue
Each issue’s CD supplement contains 10 tracks of the planet’s best new releases and 5 celebrities-chosen songs. “Shablia!” became part of the unique playlist after being singled out, along with Goran Bregovic’s newest song, in an interview by Gogol Bordello’s soloist Yevhen Gudz, who served as an expert for the magazine’s June issue. Having been issued in Ukraine by Comp Music/EMI, released prominently in Poland by Lou & Rocked Boys and in Russia by the cult label Misteria Zvuka, and just now issued in Britain by Songlines and on course for a premiere in Canada, KOZAK SYSTEM’s Shablia album is becoming an international phenomenon, the band’s press service reports.
KOZAK SYSTEM will open the main stage at the MOSiR stadium on June 29 with the British rock legend Sting performing as headliner. In August, the Ukrainian musicians will take the stage twice at Przystanek Woodstock, while Shablia will take the band to Nashestvie, the CIS’s biggest open-air event with 100,000-strong audience. By the way, June will see KOZAK SYSTEM playing at the famous Russian world music festival Dikaya Myata together with performers from Greece, Spain, Germany, Poland, Norway, Britain, and America. They will take the stage on the Ukrainian Day of the festival, accompanied by VV, DakhaBrakha, Drymby i Dzygy, and Hutsul Kalipso, as well as their fellow Songlines-honored performer Goran Bregovic and friends including Zdob si Zdub, Nino Katamadze, and Aquarium’s international lineup. The band sees performing at a Ukrainian festival, The Best City.UA, as especially interesting, as the event is among Top-20 most talked-about festivals in Europe. KOZAK SYSTEM will play there on July 13 in a program including Mumiy Troll, Bi-2, Leningrad, and Delfin. Organizers of this year’s “best rock-n-roll city” plan to set another attendance record for Ukrainian festivals and beat quite a few Russian events in this respect, too.
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№35, (2013)Section
Day After Day