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Russian propaganda lost in PACE

04 февраля, 11:12

This is the most rigid resolution we could expect. Its content and form was welcomed by everyone who cares about Ukraine and Europe. The reason is that the events are taking place in the Maidan, in the heart of Europe, not God knows where, and Ukrainians defend here both their democracy and the European values on the whole, like no one in Europe. Everyone here understands this and the topic of Ukraine has been the greatest concern for Europeans (all these days we have been staying here). It is heard here all the time.

I am representing here the civic organization “Civil Guard” and have come here with my colleagues from Bridge Ukraine-EU. We have come to inform the Europeans on what is going on in Ukraine, to explain the situation. Here people get little information from the Ukrainian media, and Russian propaganda and media machine are working very efficiently. We had to explain many points. We have had meetings with political groups, their leaders, MPs from various committees and countries. We have presented the broadest information on what is going on here, the causes and effects, what the Maidan is defending now, and what is going on in the Verkhovna Rada.

The Europeans understand very well the maneuvers with the laws the power has taken recently. The dictatorship laws are an outrageous phenomenon for everyone, who has looked into this question. Everyone spoke about incredible backpedalling, which would have followed the approval and realization of these laws. The Europeans understand very well what took place in parliament and the fact that the president has caught cold and is not signing the laws. That is namely the reason why they did not give the government any chance to slip out.

Every clause in the resolution is aimed at protecting human rights, because this is the competence of the PACE. The Europeans have set forth the demands and the question of sanctions, which will be possible in April. If violence does not stop, and if force is used to disperse the Maidan, the Ukrainian delegation will be deprived of its word here, in the Parliamentary Assembly.

In fact, sanctions are an unpleasant thing. Of course, punishment of a country is a serious matter, therefore we should take measures to prevent this. We need to be in the circle of European countries, we should sit at the negotiation table, lead discussions, and level the course. This is very important. Therefore everyone needs to make sure that the movement aimed at regulation of the situation starts immediately. The opposition (I mean the politicians) should as well put efforts for this aim. It needs to be more active, show its strategy in a more powerful way, put efforts for everyday routine work not only in the hall. This should be reasonable and painstaking work, so that step by step we got closer to the line where violence can be stopped.

The Europeans understand very well the maneuvers with the laws the power has taken recently. The dictatorship laws are an outrageous phenomenon for everyone, who has looked into this question. Everyone spoke about incredible backpedalling, which would have followed the approval and realization of these laws. The Europeans understand very well what took place in parliament and the fact that the president has caught cold and is not signing the laws. That is namely the reason why they did not give the government any chance to slip out.

It is hard to explain to the Europeans the logic of this brutal power, which acts illogically and cynically disposes of people, laws, and the Constitution. It is apparent that it becomes harder to make compromise with the power in Ukraine – it understands only the language of force, and this has been the cause of the current events. Therefore, of course, this resolution, political condemnation and eyes that are now looking at the power, should make an effect on the representatives of this majority. They need to understand that isolation is not a way out. There is no place in the world for them to escape; there is no bank where they can hide their money. Politicians must understand that they are going to live here, and they must answer what steps they can take for the society’s sake.

The resolution demands to punish those who are guilty for deaths, bloodshed, and gave criminal orders, because cancellation of the laws does not remove the question of human rights abuse, tortures which have been used and are still used on people who have disappeared.

Russian propaganda has suffered a serious defeat. They took all measures to resist the theses of the resolution, but none of the amendments proposed by Russians has been accepted. It means that everything is not as rose-colored as considered by those who want to bring Ukraine into the abyss of despotism and dictatorship.

The Parliamentary Assembly condemned the pressure of Russia. Here everyone is well aware of the facts of both political and economic influence. No matter how hard Russians are trying to persuade everyone they were only helping their Ukrainian “brothers” by selling gas to them “at a low price.” Deputy Slutsky was laughed down in the hall. He said “we don’t go to the Maidan, we don’t urge people to join Russia, don’t hand out cakes, keep neutral. What is our influence?” This made people in the hall laugh. The document as well condemns all attempts made by Russia to change the situation to its advantage.

A very big role is now attached not to relations with Ukrainian government, but to the relations with society, as people here understand that it turned out to be more mature than the politicians. They have understood that sometimes talking to a government is like talking to a brick wall.

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