This day in history
1859: Ukraine’s first Sunday school starts functioning in Kyiv.
1864: Date of birth of Pavlo Hrabovsky, Ukrainian lyricist, essayist, translator, and prominent intellectual.
1921: An All-Ukrainian Church Council takes place in Kyiv to form the Ukrainian Orthodox Autocephalous Church headed by Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivsky.
1922: Soviet Russia’s Sovnarkom adopts a decree instituting a new monetary unit, chervonets.
1931: The Soviet Union bans all private business transactions.
1941: The Central Committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Ukraine adopts a decree forming the Republican Committee for Aid to Ailing and Wounded Red Army Officers and Men.
1942: The State Defense Committee of the USSR adopts a decree on the development of the partisan movement in Ukraine.
1995: The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopts the Cabinet’s Action Plan.
Выпуск газеты №:
№60, (2012)Section
Day After Day