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Catalans keep insisting on independence

And have been trying to get permission from the central government to hold a referendum
13 ноября, 11:20

The Catalan authorities conducted a poll on separation from Spain on November 9, and over 80 percent of those polled supported the creation of a separate state. As you know, Catalonia, which is the richest province in the Kingdom of Spain, first wanted to hold a referendum, but had to abandon this plan due to the Spanish government’s pressure, recognizing that the poll would not have legal consequences. President of Catalonia Artur Mas warned the central government against attempts to prevent the poll from going ahead, calling them “a direct attack on democracy.” The poll was organized by approximately 40,000 volunteers without public funding.

Mas called the results “a complete success.” In his opinion, Catalonia once again demonstrated that it wanted a government of its own, Deutsche Welle reports. According to Mas, his next objective is holding a referendum on the independence of Catalonia which would be recognized by the Spanish government.

However, the authorities are still opposing “separatist” initiatives of the province. “As long as I remain head of government, respect for the constitution and the sovereignty of Spain will not be questioned... No one will destroy the unity of the country,” Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy declared. He also urged the Catalans “to return to common sense” and promised talks on expanding the autonomy of the region within the Spanish constitution.

Meanwhile, the Euronews report that Spanish prosecutors are studying the circumstances of the survey “to try and identify actionable crimes.”

It should be noted that the Catalan authorities, following Scotland’s example, have been trying to get permission from the central government to hold a referendum. There was nothing like that with the Crimean pseudo-referendum, which led to the illegal annexation of the peninsula, and similar events held in the self-proclaimed “Donetsk People’s Republic” and “Luhansk People’s Republic.”

How will Catalonia situation develop further? The Day asked Catalan journalist Francesc de DALMASES for an opinion on the issue.

“Many political and community leaders say that what happened on Sunday was an act of dignity. What we did was a service for most of the Catalan society that has recently been deciding which way to go to change the political status of Catalonia.

“I have no clear idea yet what decisions will the president of Catalonia take on further actions. Mas will explain the roadmap for our next moves. Perhaps, he will offer a new proposal for the state. We will then learn the new regional elections’ date. We see that most political parties are working to support the constitutional law. Those elections have to show how many assembly members under the new administration want to create this new political status for Catalonia. We will then make an official move that will create a new political situation in Catalonia. However, we will always propose dialog and democratic options for the state and act in the spirit of responsibility to the European institutions.”

That is, the Catalans see separation from Spain as the only way out?

“When talking about the future of Catalonia, it is true. The Catalan public is the only subject empowered to take such decisions. Nonetheless, we insist that we need a dialog with the Spanish government and if it rejects our offer, or refuses to negotiate, then we will start talking to the EU and other European institutions. We know that we have a responsibility to Europe and other international organizations.”


Catalonia is a province in the north-east of Spain, relatively small in area, but highly economically developed, having Barcelona as its capital. The Catalans make up about 16 percent of the nation’s population (7.5  million), they have their own language and their own culture.

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