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Brilliant Invasion from Hutsulshchyna

24 October, 00:00

Flourishing colors and ornamentation along with a variety of most unusual household articles are all distinctive features of the exhibition of Folk Art of Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttia from the Eighteenth to Twentieth Centuries,” opened at Ukrainian House (Ukrayinsky dim) in Kyiv. The bright original culture of the Carpathian Mountains is represented by unique exhibits from the stocks of the Yosyf Bobrynsky Hutsulshchyna and Pokuttia Folk Art Museum in Kolomyia. Ceramics, textiles, fretwork, ironware, leather, and beaded handicrafts all provide a richness of imagery giving an idea, faint as it might be, of the distant land, so exotic to urban dwellers, of the Hutsuls. The visitors’ attention is attracted to the unique collection of pysankas (decorated eggs), rare icons and pictures painted on glass.

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