Conductor of the Hryhory Veriovka Choir Anatoly Avdiyevsky is seventy

On September 23 the Drahomanov National Pedagogical University hosted a celebration of a renowned Ukrainian cultural figure, conductor of the Veriovka Choir, composer, laureate of state prizes, Head of the All-Ukrainian Musical Union, president of Ukraine’s national UNESCO Committee, NPU pro-rector, and director of the Institute for the Arts. This list of Anatoly Avdiyevsky’s titles and regalia is far from complete. Recently the maestro became also a Hero of Ukraine and was elected Honorary Professor of the Pedagogical University.
The celebration of maestro’s seventieth anniversary was postponed from August 16, his actual birthday, until the beginning of the semester in September. for over three decades he has trained tens of thousands of his progeny who now are engaged in choral music and preserving folklore.
Many former and present pupils, colleagues, outstanding figures in the arts, and people’s deputies came to greet the hero of the day. There were solemn speeches, official addresses and improvisations, flowers, and presents. Members of the Veriovka Choir, whose director Avdiyevsky has been since 1966, performed a whole concert program including their conductor’s favorite songs. The choir has long and deservedly been considered one of the symbols of Ukraine.
“During the choir’s existence we have been on tour to over fifty countries,” Anatoly Tymofiyovych said. “Everywhere we were welcomed enthusiastically. They didn’t view us as some exotic thing but a group that introduced many foreign folklore lovers to a terra incognita, authentic singing. Our singers possess not only good vocal potential: we use various ways of music and scenic expression, trying to reveal the grandeur, richness, might, and unique beauty of the Ukrainian folk song. I’m pleased that we have many young members in the Veriovka Choir. Singers with beautiful voices come to work with us. We pin our hopes for the future on them, and it is due to their talent and enthusiasm that our choir will live on and develop. I try to keep in contact with many folklorists, heads of professional choirs and ensembles, as well as teachers. We exchange songs, bringing a flux of new opuses to our repertory.”
Unfortunately, today the choir performs abroad more than in Ukraine. The maestro said that this fact worries him deeply, although he understands that organizing concert tours for such big collectives under the current economy situation is quite difficult. However, the artistes do not complain. They rehearse every day. The choir remains one of the most professional in Ukraine. They are aired on the radio and CDs. The choir is frequently invited to international festivals. No state concert dedicated to solemn occasions can do without the famous ensemble. If some sponsors appear, the choir goes on tour. Its every performance becomes a true event, and the army of folk song lovers increases in a geometrical progression.
The Day congratulates Anatoly Tymofiyovych for being awarded the high titles of Hero of Ukraine and Honorary Professor of the Pedagogical University and wishes him good health, spirits, new interesting programs, and many thinking and talented pupils.