“The idea is super!”
The first buyers describe Den’s Chest of Treasures
It has only been a week since Den presented a unique Chest of Treasures at the Lviv Publishers’ Forum, and the first words of praise are already coming. Thus, MP Mykola Kniazhytsky has become one of the first owners of the entire set of this year’s new products – in addition to the Chest, thay are the book My Sister Sofia... and an exclusive bracelet with the letter “Az.” “Everything your newspaper makes is very interesting and your new projects too. Reading the book My Sister Sofia... will be a pleasure for me. And I liked enormously the idea of the Chest of Treasures. I would like to wish you to always have your books an important event not only at Lviv Publishers’ Forum, but also at every book fair and in every book store,” said Kniazhytsky.
“Den’s projects are always special and symbolic, and this year’s Chest of Treasures is amazing and unique in content! It is the best gift to loyal readers who have been living through their ups and downs with Den for 20 years; every issue of this newspaper is a spiritual treasure for the readers,” write Andrii and Halyna Yatsenko, our authors from Lviv (see full article in Den’s No. 168, September 20). “We are so sure about it, because we can say that about ourselves – every fan of the newspaper has their treasure chest of Den’s issues; and now they also have this wonderful box of good mood and inspiration from the newspaper. One of the most valuable treasures from the chest is, without doubt, the seeds of marigolds from Ivan Franko’s homeland. This is a symbolic plan of Larysa Ivshyna’s invention, because it was the seed of Franko’s words that has centuries ago began to sprout the spirit of freedom, which today is carefully gathered by the newspaper’s team and sown on the farmland of Ukrainian consciousness. This is a symbolic hint to readers that anyone can change the world by turning this small black seedling into a colorful flower with the power of love.”
Sketch by Anatolii KAZANSKY from The Day’s archives, 1997
It’s nice that our supporters can read the subtle message of our editor-in-chief in the Chest of Treasures’ contents. Apart from the seeds from Nahuievychi, the chest includes a collection of postcards – 30 best photos from Den’s Photo Contest, 10 iconic front pages, 25 cartoons by Anatolii Kazansky, 5 cartoons by Viktor Bogorad, 15 best drawings of Den, 15 cards dedicated to Route No. 1, an easel, and a “royal” pencil! And also – a thank you letter. “This letter symbolizes that everything that we have acquired and stored in the chest would have been impossible without the people who had supported us over the years, although it might have been very difficult,” says Ivshyna.
By the way, many visitors of our booth at the Lviv forum had asked whether they could buy the exquisite pencil with the inscription “With love, Larysa Ivshyna” separately from the box, as they were enchanted by its originality. Perhaps they intuitively felt that it has its own story behind the scenes. This pencil is “royal”! “This idea was born when I saw a pencil in Edinburgh,” Ivshyna reveals. “I saw it when I was under the impression of how the locals remember the story of Queen Agatha, sister of Yaroslav the Wise, and the wife of the Scottish king. When we visited the castle in Edinburgh, she was mentioned in the stories. I was very touched. And besides, Edinburgh has a memorial plaque to Prince Volodymyr. It was the first sign.”
“And then when we started to pick the drawings for our Chest of Treasures, one of the first of them was a cartoon by our genius Anatolii Kazansky,” continues the editor-in-chief. “This is a picture from 1997, in which he described, in his characteristic tongue-in-cheek style, Den newspaper originating from the Soviet chaos. Characteristically, it features the only portrait of me by his hand. Anatolii Kazansky was very skilled with pencil. He even used to say that whenever he went to bed, he put a sheet of paper and a pencil beside the bed. This pencil, and our slogan ‘Read with a pencil!’, and my ‘portrait’ with a funny crown have naturally led to the idea of a ‘Royal pencil’ by Larysa Ivshyna.”
“The chest includes pencil and easel. With them you can design your ‘personal space’ every day. Each day you can put a picture or a photo. Every thing has a purpose here,” concludes Ivshyna.
There is a purpose in the 25 cartoons by Anatolii Kazansky, whose works have not lost its relevance after 20 years. “This is a complete collection of our contemporary history, we must be able to read it,” said the editor-in-chief. “They demonstrate profound philosophy and our unspoken history. Each picture can have its own commentary.”
Anna, young chemist from Cherkasy, waits for her own “chest for contemplation,” having purchased the Den’s novelty via the website. She has been reading our newspaper for more than five years. “When I was a second year student, I overheard the newspaper ad on the radio. I became very interested, I remember the announcement about Khvyliovy, and I bought the issue. And with this, the acquaintance which still lasts today has begun,” says Anna. “I usually order almost everything that you publish,” continues she. “Besides, I am a fan of such aesthetic things. So when Den has announced the release of such a beauty, I immediately ordered it. I know that there are postcards with your photos, and topical cartoons by Kazansky. I confess, it was a bit of a surprise to read that it even includes marigold seeds. It was very interesting and unexpected.” But after reading about the recipe of a cake with marigolds, which often was at Ivan Franko’s table, Anna began to think on how she can use the seeds. “I may divide them into parts, and plant some of them,” says our reader. And so, a part of Nahuievychi will grow in Cherkasy. Anna plans to use the pencil for studying. “Thank you very much for the newspaper,” said the girl and urged everyone to take example from her.
You can purchase the Chest of Treasures online at Den’s store on day.kyiv.ua or by telephoning the sales department: (044) 303-96-23.
Newspaper output №:
№55, (2016)Section