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Maestro Hobart Earle has been featured in 30 Profiles of Courage

17 December, 17:44
Photo courtesy of Hobart EARLE’s press service

This year’s 30 Professionals of the Year, according to the leading specialized online magazine Musical America Worldwide (Musical America: Profiles of Courage) feature Music Director and Principal Conductor of the National Odesa Philharmonic Orchestra Hobart Earle.

The magazine unites thousands of musicians from over 95 countries of the world. The survey was held in culture institutions in the sphere of performing arts in different countries of the world through questionnaire letters. Thirty professionals of 2014 include among others the president of Longy School of Music, Boston, intendants of Salzburg Easter Festival and Vienna Konzerthaus, CEOs of two sound recording companies, “Toccata Classics, London” and “Bridge Records” (US), artistic administrator of Boston Symphony Orchestra, and CEO of Florida Orchestra. Besides Earle, the MA 30 includes many-year music directors of Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Oakland East Bay Symphony, artistic director London-based Nash Ensemble, and a soloist from American Ballet Theater, etc.

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