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Art symbols of Anna Milevska

Museum of Modern Art presented debut solo project of the artist
27 June, 11:15

Anna Milevska participated in many art exhibitions, but only the ones of many artists. When Kyiv Art Spring began with the International exhibition-competition “Uk­rai­nian Art Week” in the Central House of Artists, the organizers of the event offered to the public apart from con­tem­plating the works of art and the general com­pe­ti­tion and ex­hi­bition pro­grams, also a va­riety of edu­ca­tional and enter­tain­ment pro­grams. (The Day wrote about this sen­sa­tional event in the art life of the Ukrainian capital in March.) The in­no­va­tion of the Uk­rainian Art Week was se­ve­ral solo exhi­bitions of the com­pe­tition win­ners, or­ga­nized to support the new ta­lents. One of them was Anna Milevska.

Art, according to Milevska, is a form of social conscious­ness, a part of spiritual culture, a spe­cific type of practical and spiritual development of the world. The artist did not get herself engaged in it for a long time. Life, or rather its sharp turns and collapses, led Anna to art. Then she remembered the skills she acquired in art school. Later she took private classes with professional artists and was motivated by the extremely strong desire for continuous improvement in artistic self-expression.

“I work in a style that is hard to define, but people often ask me about it… I can only say that it has something from the avant-garde art and art-house. Every painting, apart from oil and canvas, had a bit of my soul. I hope that someone would find my paintings and my work useful… Maybe someone will get inspired by what they see,” said Milevska.

Interestingly, the artist does not consider the aspect of fitting in interior a minus for art. She rather presents her paintings as a nice complement for any interior design. The artist even created a community in one of the popular social networks, where she presents her art works for homes, offices, restaurants, or banks… She says that they create inextricable link with nature and everything beautiful that surrounds us. Thus, it’s a useful thing.
We also must mention the symbo­lism in the art of Milev­ska. Artistic vision distinguishes the inner meaning of things and the outer shell, which contains the light of hidden essence. In this sense, “symbolism” in the art of Milev­ska is everywhere. For example, in her painting Dialogue of Souls each of 12 windows in the canvas is a symbol, as well as the number 12 itself – it was chosen by the author not by chance…

Symbolism in Milevska’s art focuses on the elusiveness, mystery of the inner sense, thanks to which the ratio between the outer and inner, sensual and part that is perceived by reason, not only can but must be vague, mysterious code that has no key. Thus, the doctrine of symbolism suggests that all apparent things, the existing world is all signs and codes of eternal, timeless ideas. And the in­tuitive understanding of these things is possible only through art.
“Debut” exhibition is open at the Mu­seum of Modern Uk­rai­­nian Art (17 Hly­bochy­ts­ka Street) until June 30.

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