Children Write to God
This is the name of a project recently started at Its authors confess that the idea came to them after reading similar book by Stewart Hampley, a collection of funny excerpts from little Americans’ letters to God. “We couldn’t wait to find out what our children have to say to Our Lord. In the West the notion of God is imbibed with one’s mother milk. Besides, the surrounding reality there is steady, solid, and inviolable.”
“What would you like to ask God about?” “What would you like to ask him for?” and “What would you like to tell him about?” — these were the questions to which the project authors received over 3000 responses from schoolchildren aged from 6 to 10. The Day begins publication of excerpts from this book, which we hope will be of interest for our readers.
“Hello, God! How do You do! How are You? How do You feel?”
“If You make Doomsday, who will pray to You after that?”
“Basically I don’t believe in You. Tell me please why people never see You?”
“Who blows the wind?”
“Dear God, the sky is blue when You’re in a good mood, isn’t it?”
“People suffer so much here on earth; is it worse there in Your Hell?”
“Do You work for other countries, too?”
“OK, God, a stork brought me to my parents, but who makes us children for the stork?”
“What is Your professional training?”
“I understood that You’re the boss on Earth though You live in Heaven. Can’t they reelect You?”
“God, did You listen to Your mother when You were little?”
“May I never die, eh?”
“Did You fight with other boys when You were little or were you a good boy?”
“Of course I do love You but I love my mom and dad more. Is that OK with you?”
“They sell candles in church — is it Your business?’
“I read that Jesus Christ was a Jew. But He is Your son, isn’t He? So are You a Jew too?”
“God, do You at least know my new address?”
“Tell me please, God, how should I behave in a company?”
“Why in the spring, when You light the stars in the sky and blow warm wind on the Earth and everything is so quite around, do I always feel like crying?”
“What does it mean, Everything is in God’s hands? What about summer, and mom’s illness, and war?”
“Everybody says the end of the world will come in 2000. What will happen next?”
“How old are You, God?”
“Would You like to be ours?”
“Do you like what is happening on earth?”
“Are all legends about You true?”
“Catholics have one God, Muslims, another, Jews still other, and so do Lutherans and Orthodox. How many of you are there?”
“OK, Jesus suffered for people. And what do people suffer for?”
“God, where is Jesus now, what does He do?”
“When they shoot on the earth, don’t You hear it?”
“Jesus is Your son. Does He love You as His daddy?” “Why do people first fall in love and then cry softly?”
“Well, You created the first couple of people on earth. And who then created the third one?”
“Do You have mind or do You consist of a soul only?”
“Men were first to give birth to children — remember Adam’s rib and Eve. Why would you dislike this and load women down with all the work?”
“You wrote in the Bible that in the beginning was the Word. What was that word?”
“What creature do the cats originate from?”
“Do You know if my parents will make peace again?”
“Do You feel good there?”
“Do I have to sin first so that You could forgive my sin?”
“What did Christ do first when He resurrected?”
“Why do beggars beg near churches? So that You could see who gives them money and who doesn’t?”
“People shouldn’t eat meat. And what about cutlets?”
“Dear God, did You put my soul or somebody else’s into me?’
“If I correctly understand evolution, You created Adam and Eve and then people came from monkeys.”
“Why do You help some people and don’t help me?’
“Do Your angels go to school?”
“How many years are You older than the Earth?”
“Do other planets also annoy You?”
“Why is the world round?”
“Why do they raise a man for years and then — crack! — he’s dead?”
“God, do You exist at all?”
“How do You live there in Heaven? Do You have everything You need? Could I maybe do something for You?”
“Do I really exist?”
“Why are You afraid to show Yourself to people?”
“How is Your life there: good, average, bad, or lousy?”
“Why do people pass gas to the atmosphere and spoil heaven?”
“Why are some boys in the second grade so much after girls?”
“When this world comes to an end, will another one start?”
“Why are You like that — one day You’re bad and next day so marvelous?”
“Are You more invisible than the air?”
“What do You think, are we going to have a decent world?”
“Dear God, what did I have behind me?”
“When did love begin on earth?”
“Can You give me success and an inflatable rubber dinghy?”
“Does the Universe have a beginning and end, left side and right side, or top and bottom?”
“How did You come to be?’
“Dear God, can I do something for You?”
“Tell me in confidence: does anybody love me?”
“If You live in Heaven why doesn’t the Sun burn You?”
“Where do You keep an eye on us from?”
“Dear God, how long do I have to live?”
“Does the Bible tell only the truth?”
“What came first, Adam and Eve or the dinosaurs?”
“Is it true that there were real myths in Greece?”
(To be completed)
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