Frankly speaking, when the telephone rang at the newspaper’s sporst desk and the person at the other end of the line began to talk about some water because of which Ukraine’s national soccer team had failed to make it to the European championship finals, I thought, nothing but another Alan Chumak with “curative” water! Prophets and healers: their name is legion. But, as the conversation went on, I gradually began to think that this is interesting indeed. An unexpected and not standard glance at problem solving. And then The Day’s correspondent met Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) and general designer at the Relay and Automatics Research and Production Association Ivan Varnavsky:
“I was sick at the defeat of our national team on the way to the first finals in its history. What is especially annoying is that the players showed a strange metamorphosis in the two matches: successes and bursts of activity gave way to apathy, passivity in offense, and confusion in defense. And moreover terrible tiredness bordering on indifference, which you could see even with the naked eye.
“However, I can hazard a dangerous opinion, which will look paradoxical to many: I would raise no special complaints about the soccer players and their coaches. Everything was sacrificed for victory, all physical, moral, and psychological resources were exhausted. Tiredness had been gradually accumulating in the leading players who had borne all the burden of national championship, Champions League, and European championship qualification matches. So what was to happen happened. The Kyiv Dynamo players, who laid the groundwork of the national team, fell into a certain depression, rather than reaching the peak of functional preparedness. Scientific consultants did not tell the players that Ukrainian researchers had discovered curative water capable of imparting an explosive force and overcoming fatigue.”
“So you just decided to ask our players to catch their breath and have a sip of the salubrious water. For this will keep the boys out of depression and at their peak all the time.”
“I see your irony, but this is really close to the truth. During great physical and emotional overloads and an intensive evaporation of liquids from the body, the body itself concentrates hazardous and poisonous substances, which causes a latent enhanced poisoning of the central nervous system. This dulls reactions, causes tiredness, and hampers muscular coordination. Hence inaccurate passes and shots at the goal. And the cause of this is, so to speak, on the surface. For today any kind of water in cellophane or other plastic vessels is at least unwholesome and mutagenic, let alone our chlorine-contaminated tap water.
“Just imagine for a minute that outer space has come down to earth, removing from water the hazardous isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen, cleansing it of the inter-molecular energy information negative factors, and imparting a natural structure to it: this is what we call curative water.”
“But, as a rule, a bottle bears the inscription: pollution-free, mountain, crystal-clear. Of course, it is easy to attach a name, but don’t medical people object?”
“And can they offer anything better? Indeed, melted spring water is head and shoulders above what we use every day. But, still, it is far from the salubrious water we have found. The latter is obtained from ice vapor and has an ideal crystal-like structure, but, what is more, it is almost free of the deuterium and other heavy and radioactive isotopes that cause many ills.”
“It is clear that such a liquid, salubrious in all respects, simply does not exist in nature. And now you have come.”
“Yes, we offer today the technology and the equipment capable of producing salubrious water which I, at the beginning of our conversation, recommended our soccer players drink. This problem was solved by me and president of the Relay and Automatics Holding Company, Academician Vasyl Ponomariov; Professor at the Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Doctor of Biology and Medicine, Hennady Berdyshev, and others.
“Incidentally, some very interesting results were achieved under the guidance of the latter in experiments conducted on white mice. The animals given our water would keep afloat much longer and find a way out of the maze faster than others. In other words, this made them think better, sharply increased their immunity, and slowed down the aging process.”
“This is hard to believe: you quench the soccer players’ thirst as simple as that, and they at once rush to score goals.”
“Oh, no, one or two glasses won’t do the job. The effect will only come after a three-to-six-month course of using this water for drinking, cooking, and preparation of medicinal herbal teas. It is necessary that the human body completely replace the old dirty water with new young and wholesome.”
“And how much of this liquid is required, for example, for Kyiv Dynamo players?”
“2.0-2.5 liters per day is enough to maintain the life cycle of an ordinary person. An athlete who experiences heavy overload needs 3.5-4.0 liters. So the Dynamo players, coaches, and auxiliary personnel could do with 200 liters of such water.
“Of course, Ukrainian soccer is still far from being perfect. But there are all the prerequisites for this: talented and original players, creatively-thinking coaches headed by soccer professor Valery Lobanovsky, energetic organizers, generous farseeing sponsors, comfortable stadiums, our unique European-standard recreation-cum-training center, experienced and devoted doctors and masseurs, and administrators. But, no matter how naive it may seem to you, they all lack scientific support. So the use of salubrious relict water is certain to become the vital basis, which will help form a high-class team. Each player will acquire qualities hitherto out of his reach: enhanced stamina, speed of thinking, reaction, and precision of shots.”
“Does it mean ordinary mortals are never to see such water?”
“This is difficult so far. But in the future, every housewife will be able to have in the kitchen a simplified installation resembling a refrigerator, which will process, say, a bucketful of pure water. Something of the kind already works at my home.”
“And can I taste some water from your unit right now?”
“Be my guest.”
Your correspondent drank a whole cup of the purified semi-cosmic liquid that passed through Mr. Varnavsky’s distillation unit, and this very fact undoubtedly raised his spirits.