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Nutritious Festival

10 December, 00:00

December 5 marked the closing day of the Third Ukrainian Culinary Arts Festival, which drew some 200 participants from among public catering establishments and organizations. However, the term public catering has been long given up together with canteens and other attributes of the Soviet humdrum reality. Today the assortment of the foodstuffs market is more exquisite and varied, albeit more costly. But those attending the festival did not grumble at the sight of a tiny UAH 10 pastry. Whether you like it or not, a market is a market. And if you cannot afford one you will always find something equally delectable for a fraction of the price. Thankfully, today we have an overabundance of both. But if you nevertheless intend to indulge in a pricey cake or kiss you needn’t worry about its quality or shape.

The Second Ukrainian Culinary Arts Championship and Culinary Salon-2002 have been also held as part of the festival with prizes awarded for best confectioner and best cook. In the confections category contestants displayed sweetmeats made of chocolate, marzipan, sugar, and custard. Arguably, many of them were true masterpieces. A marzipan chess set and a chessboard or a real epic canvass featuring the African jungle with monkeys, palm trees, and tigers deserve special mention. Incidentally, marzipan is the confectioners’ choice. Outwardly it resembles Plasticine and has similar properties. It can be used to mold just about anything. The figurines of animals and Cossacks brought back to mind Andriyivsky uzviz [slope] where similar, albeit inedible, trifles are up for sale. What came as a surprise was the absence of the vaunted Kyiv Cakes, but this might be yet another proof of the exhibition’s level. Festival visitors feasted their eyes on a two-foot Eiffel Tower and a semitransparent sugar globe. Close by, confectioners from across Ukraine were at work, pitting themselves against one another in making pastries, with the jury evaluating everything from the taste and look of the products to the appearance of the confectioner. Next to them waiters from leading Ukrainian restaurants were competing in laying the table with serviettes. Scores of restaurants, from fast-food snack bars to upscale outlets, also displayed their dainties and tidbits.

In 2002, Ukraine joined the World Association of Culinary Unions and the conditions of the championship have been closely tailored to its requirements. For this very reason not only the jurors but also everyone interested can attend the competition. Winners in nominations for best confectioner, cook, waiter, and bartender will be awarded the Grand Prix of the Festival, as well as medals and diplomas. Additionally, the titles of master cook and master confectioner will be conferred on the best contestants. However, the main thing is that similar contests give a shot in the arm to the culinary industry, enabling colleagues to share their experience. As a result, we, the consumers, stand to gain.

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