Sad kindness
The frontman of the Kyiv band Shchastia speaks on universal human values
There is a well-known theory of music as a means of communication via expressing one’s emotions. From a philosophical standpoint, music is a self-sufficient phenomenon of human esthetic interaction with the world. This and other applications of music as a form of art were the subject of my talk with Dmytro Ostroushko, the leader of what I believe is Kyiv’s most positive band Shchastia (Happiness).
What do you think it means to be positive in your work and in art on the whole?
“With time I came to realize that for me the most precious thing is constructive, rather than destructive, art. Art can come in different forms and shapes, but I understood that it must be positive and constructive, creation-oriented. I am becoming more and more convinced that love and kindness are the chief values in this world. They have to be conveyed to the audience.
“It doesn’t mean that a song can’t be angry or aggressive. But ‘correct’ art should bring the audience to a kind of catharsis. A song can speak of decay and destruction, and at the same time it can carry a charge of kindness. It may seem paradoxical, but this is the way it is. Here is another paradox: a merry song can be a personification of evil. Speaking of our band, we have a lot more sad songs than merry ones. We often joke about this (and it sounds like self-justification) saying that Shchastia is performing sad songs.”
How important is it to preserve this balance in culture between really negative, depressing art and positive art that conveys everlasting values?
“It’s hard to answer this one. I have no right to decide what the right balance is and if it’s necessary at all. I’m speaking for myself and about the insights I have received. If I hear a song or see a film in which I sense some kindness and a positive message, I accept this art. If I see that some art is destructive, I reject it. To use your power in order to ruin a false fortress and plant a wonderful garden instead is okay. To break a stale canon which is considered to be good, but is, in fact, an obstacle that prevents this good from flourishing is okay. But you mustn’t destroy yourself or your neighbor.”
The creative process is usually incontrollable, and sometimes an artist has to sublimate all the negative feelings. But do you have to disseminate the result? Do you have to share it with people who are not necessarily your friends and hardly even know you as a personality?
“No doubt, one should not intensify the accumulation of negative energy. But who told you that the accumulation of negative energy is thus intensified? By sharing your pain you can awake the purest of feelings. You must not spread evil, that goes without saying. But it’s okay to share your blues.”
We have seen from history that in times of crisis people tend to turn to art. The crisis is here all right, and many people are out of work — but I fail to observe this thirst for art. Do you think your band could support the dispirited and disillusioned?
“It’s hard to say. But I find it doubtful that unemployed people will crave for culture. It would be more logical if their minds were preoccupied with survival. On the other hand, survival depends not as much on victuals as on the individual’s state of mind. This is what true art is about: the endless examination of the aspects of good and evil, the relations between them, and the study of the past and future. The more people start to ponder over certain things, the more grounds for new art. I don’t want to imply my band here in any way. It’s not up to me to judge how well we can support someone. But our music is also the exercise of examination and posing questions.”
How can you explain to people that if they come to your gig, they will definitely have high spirits? The ability to listen to music is also a kind of skill you have to develop.
“You don’t need to explain anything. If they don’t come, they don’t need it. It is far more precious if they discover something for themselves: music, poetry, movies, or just the pleasure of talking to the person next to them. I only wish people would open up for life and new sensations. But alas, this is in the category of daydreaming.”
When you were just beginning to perform, did you strive to surprise? Like that old song by The Time Machine goes, “Who did you want to amaze?”
“Sure I did! I wanted to surprise those who had underestimated me to get respect from them; surprise girls for the sake of sex and mom and dad for self-assertion. Now it doesn’t seem all that important. Now I understand that what matters the most is living by the true, real things. If I succeed in surprising someone, it counts as a pleasant bonus. Who wouldn’t like to be unique? By the way, it has never occurred to me that it’s also important to surprise oneself! Sometimes I pull it off.”
Where are you heading now as a band?
“I can’t understand what direction we should take. For now, we have decided to ‘freeze’ Shchastia as it is known to people. Now we’re constantly rehearsing, and each rehearsal means a new song. So now we have enough stuff for half an album. But I’m not at all sure if it is going to be Shchastia. I can’t identify it in terms of style, either. It’s just some heartfelt pop-music.”
There is an opinion, and I share it, that indie art doesn’t necessarily mean struggle. It’s rather what a person creates according to their inner state, without conforming to anyone else’s tastes. And it absolutely doesn’t matter if there has already been anything like that before, or if it’s a major advance in art.
“I agree with this understanding of independence in art — but you can’t do without some struggle. This struggle can be implicit and boil down to mere nonconformism — even if the struggling person is unaware of it.”
And if you still conform to the tastes of the majority, and yet your art is sincere and goes from the depth of your heart — will it still be labeled “independent”? What should it be like — somewhat standardized or as unusual as possible?
“Independent art is a mere phrase which has been setting my teeth on edge lately. I had romantic sentiments towards it as a teen. Now I’m over 30. Rock’n’roll, revolution, and Protestantism are just words that serve to dress one and the same notion. It is sincerity, true feelings, and true faith — but the words tend to turn into brands with time and degenerate into marketing schemes. This is when we say, ‘rock’n’roll is dead’ or ‘indie music is trash’. Words are mortal, while concepts live forever. Conformity and originality are also relative concepts. Being real is what matters.”
To my mind, rock’n’roll comprises a mass of talented people, rather than separate individuals who create a common mood and mind — if mental activity can be applied to creative processes.
“The same applies to poets and artists. That’s what I’ve been speaking about — the true drive in people who have found or discovered something, whether in literature, music, or philosophy. With childlike joy and inspiration they dig into it, study it, and give it to the world.”
Shchastia’s gig is a must-see. Their songs give the audience a chance to feel kinder and more confident. I even dare say that their art totally conforms to Aristotle’s definition: “the activity of the soul is in the full measure of virtue”. In the ancient world, the category of harmony was first and foremost associated with music. Looks like Shchastia knows about that.