Zaporizhia Roboart
Crane operator Dmytro Balandin creates not only models made of plywood, but also devices for people with disabilitiesFor two years already the apartment of Dmytro Balandin, crane operator at Zaporizhstal plant, is adorned with the two-meter robot Cylon made of ordinary plywood. The creation of a wooden handsome robot was inspired by the film The Adventures of Electronik where humanoid robot does incredible acrobatic tricks. The inventor decided to make a model that would have more movement capacities and would be similar to a human in structure. The idea to install a flashlight that glows with blue light in the solar plexus was taken from the lead character in the film Iron Man.
The master spent six months and 300 hryvnias working on this piece of designer art. Plywood, chosen as the material for his work, became an alternative to metal, because, as Balandin explained, it is very hard to work with metal at home.
“When I was working on it I named it MFP, which means Many-Functional Product. The style I work in is called roboart. The model I created can be presented in different positions. The robot can sit, stand in crab position, and make a fist. The structure of its body is similar to that of a human being that’s why it can do practically everything we can do,” said Balandin.
According to the inventor, the name for the robot came to his mind unexpectedly: “When I offered to put him on display I had to provide some real name in the contract, that’s why the abbreviation MFP would not fit. I remembered the word from one film, where people, who made robots called them cylons. Here’s how this wooden robot got its name.”
Balandin discovered his inventive talent ten years ago, although he had passion for design since he was a little child. Among other things the crane operator invented plugs, glasses, and bottle that glow in the dark. When opened such bottle glows from within and creates a festive mood. Dmytro made this invention specifically for the holidays. “I have invented many products, but you need money to get patents for them,” explained the master.
Balandin continues to work on his inventions, soon he’ll finish another robot – a girl friend for Cylon. It is half finished. Balandin noted that the structure of the model will be more subtle because femininity requires greater beauty. The inventor plans to create many models of different orientation: robots, as well as animals and plants. Since the inventor wants to mechanize his products in the future, all of them will be mobile. Dmytro said that to implement his plan he needs not only time, but money as well. Engines, power supply units, and radio control systems are not cheap.
For the crane operator from Zaporizhstal plant this hobby is not just a way to have fun. Balandin’s creative work also has quite a noble purpose. For example, he plans to construct devices for people with disabilities that would facilitate easy movement. The master invented extremely safe clothing for the rescuers. “I don’t have any problems with inspiration,” said Dmytro. “The only things that I don’t have enough of are time and money. My wife supports me in every way and encourages me to continue working on this. When I work on creating my models, I relax.”
Newspaper output №:
№48, (2013)Section
Time Out