The Khmelnytsky Museum of Ukrainian Contemporary Art hosts an exhibition of best works by the participants of The Day of the New Millennium Third International Photo Contest

In the words of deputy head of the museum Liudmyla Ryzhko-Pavlenko, “This exhibition is unusual. For the first time an exposition of such scale and level, representing the whole of Ukraine, has been introduced in our city.” This is why rumor of this extraordinary event spread throughout the region even before it actually happened. The whole oblast and district elite came to the luxurious cultural institution. The respected guests sincerely shared chief editor of Den’/The Day Larysa Ivshyna’s concern: “This exhibition is dear to me, because I’m a fan of newspaper photography. I believe even if a person is disappointed in something and doesn’t trust anybody’s words, he/she should trust his/her own eyes and soul. In these pictures you will certainly see our concern for Ukraine, how we wish that our life improved, our people breathed more freely, and could see all the current processes.”
Khmelnytsky Mayor Mykhailo Chekman, deputy heads of the Oblast State Administration Oleksandr Stuparyk and Anatoly Rozdobudko, and public representatives expressed their deep respect for Ms. Ivshyna and The Day, stating that broad audience trust has been both illustrated and not illustrated word in the all-Ukrainian daily. They also expressed their sincere gratitude to The Day for inviting people “to take a look at many Ukrainians, not only renowned politicians and cultural workers but people around us.”
In the exposition they stand side by side: titans and mere mortals. Like it or not, the captured moments of life make one answer the call of the newspaper and admit and they are not as mere as some think. Are they? The weary machine operator in the photograph, “Lionka-Politics,” stained with grease, having a rest in a cheerless village workshop, seems to warn the state leaders planting trees during a “volunteer” Saturday’s work in another picture: “Urge on but don’t overdo it.” You can read this first in his eyes and only then in a tattooed inscription on Lionka’s strong hand.
“Lionka-Politics,” coming through many exhibitions, never fails to leave deep impression upon every visitor, as well as the photo representing Condoleesa Rice and Carlos Pascual during Ms. Rice’s visit to Ukraine. The appraisals from the presentation participants, including many professional and amateur photographers, mostly coincided with the ones of the editorial panel of judges.
Ivan KOZELSKY, editor, Kolos, district newspaper, Stara Syniava:
“I took part in The Day’s contests, though never won prizes. However, this didn’t disappoint me but inspired for new search. Ukraine’s leading newspaper, Den’/The Day, is put together in accordance with world standards and serves as a model for other domestic publications. By organizing contests and exhibitions Den’/The Day communicates with and seeks advice from its readers.”
Oleksandr SOLENTSOV, head of the oblast branch of the Photo Artists Union of Ukraine:
“The newspaper is doing a very good thing. Publishing model works by professionals and amateurs, it proves that there is a great demand for first-class photography. It helps to prove oneself and see other people’s achievements, assisting one’s creative growth. Thank you.”
Liudmyla ROZHKO-PAVLENKO, deputy director for scholarly work at the Khmelnytsky Museum of Ukrainian Contemporary Art:
“The Day of the New Millennium exhibition presented at our museum arouses various thoughts and emotions. People come to us and nobody remains indifferent. From the point of view of artistic perfection the level of works is unequal. The news genre requires efficiency rather than pondering over composition. In my opinion, the color photos’ high technique level is still inferior to that of black-and-white pictures, where there remains some room for imagination and intrigue, allowing the onlooker to become the artist’s co-author. In general, photo artists presented at this large-scale exhibition know how to lock in a unique moment.”
Mykhailo CHEKMAN, Khmelnytsky city mayor:
“We are grateful to Den’/The Day’s editor-in-chief Larysa Ivshyna who came to our beautiful city to present this exhibition. Now it seems that all Ukraine turns to Khmelnytsky, demonstrating in these wonderful pictures its sufferings and love, discussions, and desire to find a decision what we should do next, its dreams and hopes. I would make special mention of the picture featuring Condoleesa Rice, which expresses her whole political character. It’s a pity that Khmelnytsky photo artists are underrepresented at the exhibition. We’ll work on this, so that the whole world could see photographs from Khmelnytsky. With Ms. Ivshyna’s visit to our city the audience of Den’/The Day and the ‘Svoboda slova’ [Freedom of Expression] television show here increased significantly.”
Mykola VORONA, head of the Khmelnytsky city Kooperator [Cooperator] Consumers’ Union:
“By means of illustrations and word, Den’/The Day supports people in their reflection on how to make our life better. The exhibition stimulates good will in people. The newspaper supports enterprising people creating jobs, paying taxes, and contributing to Ukraine’s development.”
The display in Khmelnytsky accomplishes the Ukrainian tour of The Day of the New Millennium photo exhibition formed by the results of the Third International Photo Contest conducted by our newspaper in 2001. Next September at the celebration of Den’ sixth anniversary at the Ukrainian Home in Kyiv the results of our current contest, New Day. Light and Shadows, will be summed up. The best works will compose a new exhibition, which we plan to demonstrate in Kirovohrad, Vinnytsia, Cherkasy, Kherson, Mykolayiv, Simferopol, Yalta, and Sevastopol.
We are gratified to note that Den’/The Day’s international photo contests became one of the most prestigious among Ukraine’s annual ones. In the last three years photo exhibitions formed from the best works were exhibited in addition to Kyiv in Sumy, Nizhyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, Poltava, Chernihiv, Ternopil, Lviv, Truskavets, Odesa, and Chernivtsi.