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“Den is our source of inspiration and motivation”

Den is celebrating the 19th anniversary since it was founded. The readers and the contributors have prepared a flash mob
15 September, 12:02
Photo courtesy of Alina VAVRYNIUK

On September 11, 1996 the first issue of the newspaper Den saw the light. Four months later, in January 1997, the first Russian version of the periodical appeared, and on January 25, 1998 the Ukrainian media space received a unique opportunity to “broaden the horizons” – the English-language digest The Day started to be published. Congratulating the newspaper on the anniversary, our readers from all regions of Ukraine thank the newspaper, not only for high-quality informing about the current actual events in the country, but also offers sensible analytical texts. Today the newspaper is called a “media holding of progressive initiatives,” because Den has been successfully realizing cultural and educational projects, including the Library of the newspaper, the annual International Photo Exhibit, the glossy supplement Route No. 1, historical portal “Ukraine Incognita,” the project “Self-Education online,” etc.

On the eve of the 19th anniversary of the newspaper, our contributors and readers have prepared a surprise – a special flash mob in social media. During the day the admirers of the periodical had their photo taken with the newspaper in their hands in their favorite places of the native towns. Readers from Kherson, Lviv, Ternopil, Zaporizhia, Kyiv, Odesa, Chernivtsi, Mykolaiv, Cherkasy, Vinnytsia, and many other cities will be sharing their photos and impressions on Facebook and Vkontakte with a hash tag #МійДень (MyDay).

The graduate of the Den’s Summer School of Journalism Alina Vavryniuk was one of the first people who congratulated the newspaper. She wrote, “Happy birthday, Den! We are of the same age, you know. But even 19 lives won’t be enough for me to do what you have done for our country. I want to thank you very much for the wonderful materials, the numerous numbers of important projects, and honesty. For living and giving to the high-quality Ukrainian journalism a hope to live. And for being our ‘heavy artillery’ in the time of the information war. You are incredible! And people who create you are incredible! Therefore, I wish you long years to live and great press runs. I wish you strength to continue to carry this heavy and very important burden you have chosen. I wish you grateful readers and high-quality materials. I wish you elevation and inspiration, Den! Chernivtsi loves you. And not only Chernivtsi.”

Another graduate of the Summer School of Journalism, Den’s contributor Oksana Hruba from Lviv joined the flash mob with the words, “The newspaper Den has become for me a reliable life companion. It makes every day of my life better with the information palette, it is the center of learning which opens the way to the truth. Den is a newspaper, which is fulfilling a noble mission – the education of the people, it is embodying the high ideas the society needs today so much. The newspaper Den for me is a source of inspiration and motivation. Thank you for the world outlook enrichment and settling of the life guidelines. I wish you success and spiritual wealth in your intellectual field.”

Den has received numerous greetings from the south of Ukraine. In particular, a resident of Kherson Mykyta Kontsevy (in the photo) noted, “I love Den for the deep and interesting analytical materials and extraordinary projects for a newspaper. They distinguish you among other nationwide publications. Personally I like the Den’s Library most of all. These are books for every modern Ukrainian. I reread at home the books of the ‘Subversive Literature’ series and always admire the choice of the authors and their materials. Some of them are hard to be found on the Internet. I wish the team of Den long years of prosperity, development, and I wish you never stop astonishing your readers with creative ideas.”

“I congratulate all creators of Den most sincerely! Bow low, deep respect, and admire to your painstaking labor to the editor-in-chief, Volhynia-born Larysa Ivshyna. Hearty gratitude to Valentyn Torba, Ihor Losiev, a special correspondent from Volhynia Natalia Malimon, and everyone who takes part in creation of this unique publication!” writes our faithful reader, a leader of the winner of international and nationwide contests, bandura trio Dyvosvity, associate professor at the department of music instruments of the Lesia Ukrainka SNU Myroslava Stochanska, “Your team of top professionals is bravely going ahead. You in a convincing manner are leading Ukrainians towards the future, shape the moral values of the contemporaries and prepare the cultural heritage for the following generations. You always reveal the truth about our glorious history, courageous talented, and hardworking people, good and bright people in an interesting and honest manner. Den is truly an example of Ukrainian journalism, a moderator of the national character. The style, format, and Den’s projects distinguish it among other mass media. There is no doubt that you are a number-one newspaper in Ukraine! Today its meaning is hard to overestimate. Because all of us need so much to believe in ourselves, be confident, and feel that we belong to a great nation. Happy birthday, my dear newspaper! I wish creative inspiration, professional luck, readers’ recognition, and realization of all future ideas. I wish you happiness.”

“Den has been a good friend and advisor for me and my friends for a long time. It gives us answers to many present-day challenges in political, economic, social, and culture spheres of society, and even in the professional sphere. I, as a university teacher of History, Theory, and Methods of Geography, take a particular interest in the publications on historical topics about the origins of Ukrainian statehood, ethnogenesis of Ukrainian people, outstanding figures of Ukrainian state building, as well some issues of the newspapers that introduce the readers to the best samples of Ukrainian journalism,” assistant professor of the department of economy and social geography at the Ivan Franko National University in Lviv Myroslava Vlakh congratulates Den. “I’m thankful to the newspaper for involving intellectuals and moral authorities of the nation as contributors. Their analytical research and expert assessments call trust and make one  think about many problems of the past and present day. The newspaper is as well oriented at the future, because it supports the student youth by organizing meetings, roundtables, and the Summer School of Journalism. The tireless activity of the newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief Larysa Ivshyna, who defines the image and the policy of the publications, inspires respect.”

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