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A meeting with… History

The first ever Autumn Den gathering was held lately, allowing our contributors and readers, as well as subjects of our stories, to come together and exchange views. This event is the first in a series of quality communication initiatives
13 October, 12:38
Photo by Mykola TYMCHENKO, The Day

Yesterday a historical courtyard in Andriivsky uzviz for the first time hosted the Autumn Den. It was a special evening for many reasons. First, it is not just a possibility to exchange thoughts and ideas in the circle of partisans, but also to present for our “club” the new books published by the newspaper – our rich “harvest” this year: the historical book Return to Tsarhorod and publicist triptych. The most important thing is to communicate with the authors and compilers of the new publications. That was an important moment of the meeting of authors and readers. And there were topics to discuss – because all publications are about history. The triptych is about the modern history we are experiencing today, being part of it, but not always aware of this. And Return to Tsarhorod is about our historical foundations.

On the Autumn Den, its amazing atmosphere, the detailed presentation of the publicist triptych “The Trap,” or A Case without a Statute of Limitations; I, an Eyewitness. Notes from the Occupied Luhansk; Catastrophe and Triumph. Histories of Ukrainian Heroes, and the first impressions of famous people about our new books can be found in the material “Such books must become a part of our foreign policy.” Quoted speech of the guests and a collection of interesting photos will create a complete “effect of presence,” because you can share impressions and exchange opinions not only during such meetings, but on the pages of Den as well. So, we are waiting for impressions and interesting opinions about our new books from our readers and friends. We will continue our dialog in the printed version of the newspaper.

Today we will continue to tell you about yesterday’s event, but with an emphasis on time travel. Thoughtful readers basically don’t have any problems with this, but the atmosphere in the courtyard and communication with well-known historians, the authors of the book Return to Tsarhorod, gave an opportunity to everyone to feel themselves in this city. And the team of the contributors is really a powerful one.



“The company of the contributors to Return to Tsarhorod is an exclusive one. This is a small part of the entire team of the authors, but includes our prominent historians. Ihor Siundiukov, a talented intellectual, courageous and devoted, because apart from writing all the historical texts he has co-authored many ideas in our Library ‘Ukraine Incognita,’ and a great friend of mine. Ihor Siundiukov is the compiler of the book and the most important history columns of the newspaper. I also want to present other honorable contributors who are present here: Professor Volodymyr Rychka; Serhii Kot, Ph.D. in History; Hryhorii Khalymonenko is Ukraine’s only expert on history of ancient Turkic literature and languages; Dmytro Stepovyk, who holds doctoral degrees in three sciences, Art History, Theology, Philosophy; Doctor of Technical Sciences Ihor Smeshko,” this is how Den’s editor-in-chief Larysa Ivshyna started to introduce the readers and the authors, “We are extremely happy that important scholars respond to our ideas and with their authority support our desire to help people digest this ‘sanitary minimum’ of historical knowledge in a moderately easy and popular way. In this case we have already stirred the society, because in Return to Tsarhorod, like I said, we are trying to draw attention to things that for some reason are absent in mass conscience. That was really a gap we needed to fill in a quality way. Speaking about the team, there is an interesting moment. Former chief of the Security Service of Ukraine, political and state figure Ihor Smeshko not only wrote an article for the book, but he also helped to fund the publication jointly with two big companies that are our partners.”



Ihor Siundiukov, the compiler of the book and author of many articles in it, tells why the history of Byzantium, which seems so far from us, is today very important for Ukraine.

“Someone may think that the history of Byzantium is a story of abstract historical questions. No way. The more you learn the history of Byzantium, the more you see the touch points with present-day Ukrainian history. In a nutshell, why did the Byzantine Empire collapse? First, because the Byzantine emperors started to select the surrounding according to one criterion, loyalty. They kept the military commanders and ministers who were not talented, but loyal to them. This is a very important factor of collapse of this empire. Another question is whether we take these mistakes into account and whether we learn from them. I’m afraid not. Secondly, the Byzantine Empire collapsed, because the ruling class of the statesmen (we write in this book that a classical example of state officials’ domination is the Table about Ranks by Peter I who compiled it in 1722. If I’m not mistaken, there were 23 categories of state officials. Byzantine Empire had 74 categories of state officials) gradually became a detrimental factor. The state officials felt their impunity and absolute power. Unfortunately, this had an effect on the destiny of Byzantium. Thirdly, starting with the 14th century the Byzantine Empire started to exhaust the spiritual resource. A presence or lack of spiritual resource is, I’m sure, the determining factor of a development of a state. If it is present, the state will stand in spite of material shortcomings. If there is no such source…” the historian intriguingly doesn’t finish the sentence.

Ihor Siundiukov continues, “Larysa Ivshyna has mentioned interesting parallels not only with the history of Byzantium, but the history of Bulgaria too. The Bulgarian people survived the 500 years of Ottoman rule. Imagine, half a millennium! People had to go up in the mountains, in order to preserve their identity, language, and faith. And in the 18th century Bulgarian monarch Paisius of Hilendar wrote impressive words, ‘Do we want to live, Bulgarians? If we do, we must recall who we are and who we were in our time. Let’s recall our heritage and the state we had. And after we recall all this, we will say: Bulgaria has lived and it will be living.’ I think these words are important for us too. For Bulgarians Paisius fulfilled the mission Taras Shevchenko fulfilled later for us.”

“Thank you for inventing this project. The Spring Den took place in this courtyard. One day has passed, but it has been filled with great work, and the newspaper Den with very substantial articles has been published day by day. Let’s not stop on this,” said historian, Prof. Volodymyr Rychka.



Serhii KOT, Ph.D. in History, noted that Autumn Den gave an opportunity to have meaningful conversations for historians who seldom have an occasion to talk in flesh, mostly they are doing so on the pages of Den. “I am very thankful to Larysa Ivshyna and my colleagues who organized this event. We indeed were able to see one another in such an informal environment, because we mostly read one another’s works in Den and books inspired by Ms. Larysa. Cooperating with the newspaper, I feel like a soldier fighting for our historical memory. Because historical memory is the groundwork of self-identification. And self-identification is what makes a real political nation, which we want to build here. And what the newspaper Den/The Day is doing is a real front. Other fronts are in the Donbas and Crimea, but this is a spiritual front, which is no less important. Ms. Larysa must be a good commander, because I can never refuse to her. You get a call and you are told, ‘Go to the front! Take the gun! Stand at the attention! We need to prepare a material!’ And no matter how busy you are, you say, ‘When is the deadline?’ And, like a soldier in a trench, you sit down and write in required terms. Why are you doing this, putting everything aside? Because you understand that you are making a contribution to a great picture seen by Ms. Larysa. I have taken part in three book projects in succession owing to Ms. Larysa and every time I see that my publication supplements other articles, creating a certain mosaics of perception. We are ready to take part in any project, they are very important for us. I am thankful to the newspaper Den for the work it is doing in shaping of a political Ukrainian nation,” Serhii Kot summed up.

Such intriguing speeches of Den’s contributors made everyone present put aside the society talks and news exchange and come closer to the historians with interest. For some of them it was a revelation that a historical book can explain many present-day things and questions, answers for which we are trying to find every day. Proof of real interest to the authors of the books felt by the people present is that the guests bought a book before leaving – or several books for relatives and friends. In our box of books we have been gathering for the libraries of the east there were copies of Return to Tsarhorod. It is important to know that your personal story reaches much deeper times than you have been told. And for the Donbas today this knowledge is worth its weight in gold. Let’s hope that the readers of the libraries in the east of Ukraine will later share their discoveries and opinions concerning Return to Tsarhorod. It is a must-read for everyone. So, open the autumn reading season with our new history book and find your place in history.



Vasyl KRYVOBOK, activist of the Foundation in Support of the Newspaper Den’s Initiatives, president of Ukrainian-American Company “Golden Gates Ltd.”:

“I’m very glad that another Den event has been established – the Autumn Den. Such meetings are one of successful forms of spreading information about very needed and noble causes of Den. This is a way to broaden the circle of readers and partners of the newspaper and the book projects of the publication. The ultimate purpose is of course to make as many people as possible bring your ideas through their mind and soul, made conclusions, and spread these ideas among other people. I think the idea to found Autumn Den ripened very well-timely, because it was caused by an objective need – we should meet in such a circle and communicate more often. I can see that the circle of Den’s partisans is getting wider in terms of quality and quantity. They include the politicians who really care about Ukraine, writers, composers, and singers. It is very pleasant to find yourself in such a circle and have an opportunity to exchange your thoughts. It is important that the participants of the events will spread the initiatives of Den like in a chain reaction. This is a very useful nucleus to popularize a good cause of Den and the idea to support the publication with donations. For no good cause can advance without a financial support. It is especially important for the help to go from the bottom of the person’s heart and for the people to get moral satisfaction from getting involved in the projects needed in the society. So, we will continue to boost the quality and broaden the circle of participants.

“I have no doubt that Den’s new books are really the information that needs to be brought to as many people as possible. My colleagues and I have many times been to the territory near the frontline since the war began in our country. We didn’t just come, we brought provision, goods, defensive ammunition, books, and other kinds of help. My colleagues, partners, and I are working actively in terms of this. In communication with people who live in the frontline area I feel that the intellectual war for the souls and world outlook of the citizens is no less important, although very time-consuming. These are good people, but now they are like lost sheep. Therefore, Den’s work is very important, and no less significant than the supply of cannons and food.”


Tamara ZAKHOZHA, principal of non-specialized boarding school of I-II degrees No. 20, Shevchenkivsky District of Kyiv:

“I regularly order Den’s books and photo albums – I promote your books among my colleagues, friends, and acquaintances. I do this as an encouragement – for example at school meeting of parents I present to the parents who help the school and take an active part in its life a letter of gratitude and your books. This is the photo album and The Power of the Soft Sign, and there will be new books too. The university friend, my friends from the previous place of work – everyone receives books published by the newspaper Den as presents. In my environment there is audience for every book – with my husband we discuss The Power of the Soft Sign, with my son – other books, religious friends receive Klara Gudzyk’s Apocrypha. Every book you publish is important in a special way. Besides, I subscribe the newspaper for my friends. I very much wanted to get to the Lviv Forum this year for the launch of your books, but I didn’t have an opportunity. But I have bought Return of Tsarhorod for myself, and soon I will order all of your new books – I will continue my gift project. I’m an active promoter of the books published by Den/The Day. I have just bought the book by James Mace in English – I will give it as a present to American Mick Mulley who supports our school. It is twice as pleasant that the book will be an exclusive one – it was signed by Den/The Day’s editor-in-chief and bear an inscription of the state figure Yevhen Marchuk.”


Ihor SMESHKO, former head of the Security Service of Ukraine:

“There cannot be a nation without history and traditions, and our history was distorted by three empires. They rewrote facts to deprive us of the great and tragic past, without which we cannot have a future. And Den in this direction is doing a great cause, which the state should have been doing for 24 years, and brings back to Ukrainian people its own history. Because without a national idea you cannot build a framework of our state. And the national idea is based on the knowledge of historical traditions, phenomenon of the national soul of Ukrainian people that helped Ukrainians to survive in incredible conditions. One great American historian said: in the 19th-20th centuries Ukraine was one of the most terrible places for living in Europe. But already in 1945 Ukraine was one of 51 countries founders of the UN. For some reason both Europe, and the world has forgotten about this. Like our neighbor that is waging a war against us doesn’t recall that in 1612 in the Kremlin a Polish garrison was stationed, and all the elite gave a vow of faithfulness to the son of Polish King Wladislaw. In 1654 the Ukrainian people won its freedom as a result of the Liberation War, without any support, and voluntarily joined the Muscovian state, which was only defending from Rzeczpospolita all the time. This made the Muscovian state a future empire.

“Let alone the historical role of Ukraine, direct successor of Rus’, in laying the foundation of the European civilization in the Medieval Age. We have things to be proud of. We were the subject of creation of European culture and civilization on the whole. Few European countries can boast of the direct relation to an ancient Hellenist or Roman civilizations – their elements were present on the territory of Ukraine. In the 1st century the fourth Pope of Rome Saint Clement was in exile on the territory of today’s Ukraine and established the first Christian communities here. One of the most important saints for the Scots, Saint Margaret, is a direct descendant of Kyiv princes. St. Louis of France, second after St. Genevieve was a great grandson of our Anna.

“So, we need to bring our history back in order to finally shatter the myth on mediocrity and put everything on its places. And Den with its project puts everything in its place – who is the older and who is the younger brother – this brings back the faith in our great future to our people. And I am very thankful to Den for giving me an opportunity to take part in the book project Return to Tsarhorod and contribute an article to this book.”

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